Officials said that a DNA from a Gatorade bottle matched DNA found on Schubert’s clothing. Police arrested Ayala on Jan. 16 and charged him with one count of murder in the first degree and two ...
This was the first Super Bowl Gatorade dump as the Giants were closing out a 39-20 win over the Broncos on Jan. 25, 1987. Jim Burt (64) first doused Bill Parcells out of spite in 1984, but the two ...
After Super Bowl XXIX against the San Diego Chargers in Miami, San Francisco 49ers coach George Seifert got the clear Gatorade treatment. In one of the very first ceremonial Gatorade pours ...
You can call it a bath, a shower or a dunk. It doesn’t really matter. So long as it involves a big bucket of Gatorade getting poured over the head of a victorious coach at the end of a game ...
Many accounts suggest New York Giants nose tackle Jim Burt was the first to dump Gatorade on his coach after a regular-season game on Oct. 28, 1984. The G-Men thumped their division rivals (then ...