Jelly Roll was initially on a bare stage but a flaming frame eventually descended from the rafters during the song’s climax. The early goings of the concert occasionally felt like he was trying to get ...
It couldn’t have been cheap to provide the thrills he delivered. But in true country style, he left no theatric unexplored.
The impression left by the Rogers Arena performance Jelly Roll gave on night two of the singer’s cross-country Beautifully Broken: Great Northern Tour is that he is the man to beat in the hick-hop ...
The formerly feuding brothers were named in the Hall of Fame shortlist which also included OutKast, Billy Idol ... George Michael, Eminem, Dolly Parton, Lionel Richie, Foo Fighters, Jay-Z ...
Last year, it was A Tribe Called Quest, the year before it was Missy Elliott, and in 2023 it was Eminem. This year, the lane has been cleared for (the richly deserving) OutKast, as there are no ...
The OutKast musician revealed that he and Em used to speak on the phone about the Oakland collective Hieroglyphics ...