Handed down since Moses was kvetching about having to cross the desert in his bare feet, Jewish humor emanated from Eastern Europe where the Hebrews overcame some seriously hellacious circumstances on ...
After preaching on the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor in Luke's Gospel, the Rev. Daniel Kingsley shares how ...
Scientists have revealed how Moses really parted the Red Sea 3,500 years ago, and it might not have required any divine ...
As the Israelites prepare to enter and take possession of the promised land, Moses makes it clear that there is a difference between knowing and doing. Deuteronomy 4:5- 6 reads: “See ...
Some claimed that 30,000 Jewish settlers and tourists are overwhelming the small town of 28,000 people, hiding weapons, and turning the town into a new Promised Land. The fears were widespread ...
The newly discovered pools lie in a region where some believe Moses parted the waters while leading the Israelites to the Promised Land. The Gulf of Aqaba's deeper and wider characteristics align with ...
BANGKOK: Thailand has denied online rumours that a northern town in the kingdom is a “promised land” housing over 30,000 Israelis amid tensions between the local community and foreigners.
Moses received the Ten Commandments. Moses led people for 40 years through the wilderness and delivered them to the banks of the Promised Land. Moses was even credited at one time to have written ...
In fact, they complained to Moses that they wanted to go back to Egypt and return to a life of slavery because that’s what they knew. But God wanted them to move forward to the promised land―a land ...
This makes it very important to understand what the Bible actually says, particularly about the idea of a “promised ... Moses. In Deuteronomy, God promises the Israelites possession of land ...
MOSES LAKE — The Joann Fabric and Crafts location in Moses Lake is one of 21 stores that will be closing as the company continues bankruptcy proceedings. Locations in East Wenatchee ...
ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) — On Thursday, Keri Mazzuca, 52, of Altamont pleaded guilty to manslaughter in Albany County Court for causing the death of her son “Baby Moses” in September 1997.