Jääkiekkoilija Jesse Puljujärvi teki erikoisen ratkaisun sen jälkeen, kun hänen NHL-sopimuksensa Pittsburgh Penguinsiin revittiin. Puljujärvi ei siirtynyt Eurooppaan “maitojunalla”, vaan teki ...
Jesse Puljujärvi pelasi viikonloppuna ensimmäiset ottelut uudessa joukkueessaan, farmiliiga AHL:n Charlotte Checkersissä. Puljujärvi merkkautti kummassakin kamppailussa yhden syöttöpisteen. Puljujärvi ...
If you're a cyclist or ride a motorcycle, there are a bunch of legal ways to customize your helmet with various stickers, magnets, and other accessories — and some of these can be functional ...
Penguins ja Puljujärvi kuitenkin purkivat sopimuksensa yhteisymmärryksessä viime viikonloppuna. Puljujärvi on alun perin Edmonton Oilersin varaus (1. kierros, 4. varausvuoro) vuoden 2016 NHL ...
With new faces and plenty of people moving teams, here is a closer look at each of the F1 driver helmets unveiled for the 2025 season so far. For many drivers, features of their helmet are seen as ...
You only have one brain and so it’s important to buy the best motorbike helmet you can afford. That doesn’t always mean spending £1000+ on a race-ready carbon lid, though, and there are ...
Multiple NFL teams are reportedly set to reveal new alternate helmets for the 2025 season. Last year, the NFL adjusted its helmet rules that allow each of the 32 teams to add a third option if ...
Pienelle vastuulle Pittsburgh Penguinsissa jäänyt Jesse Puljujärvi purki hiljattain NHL-sopimuksensa pingviiniseuran kanssa. NHL:n, katsomon ja farmiliigan väliä alkukauden ajan sahannut ...
Another forward who showed strong in training camp, Jesse Puljujärvi’s time with the Penguins is near its end. He was placed on unconditional waivers Saturday. Puljujärvi and Dubas have agreed ...
Unlike a single-piece full-face helmet, a flip-front has a separate chin-bar that lifts up, exposing the face while the helmet is still on. Not only does this allow people to see your face for ID ...
Jesse Puljujärvi pelasi viikonloppuna ensimmäiset ottelut uudessa joukkueessaan, farmiliiga AHL:n Charlotte Checkersissä. Puljujärvi merkkautti kummassakin kamppailussa yhden syöttöpisteen.
Ski helmets weren’t a thing when I graduated from ski school 30 years ago. But these days? My helmet is the first thing I pack whether I’m skiing at my home ski resort in Montana or traveling ...