Frito-Lay, which offers popular snack brands such as Doritos, Ruffles and Cheetos, will also have to begin allocating a section of its stands to rival brands if those competitors don’t have ...
(Bloomberg) -- The Turkish unit of PepsiCo Inc. subsidiary Frito-Lay was saddled with a 1.3 billion liras ($36 million) penalty after the country’s antitrust regulator concluded a probe into the ...
Shares of this beverage giant are down a bit from their all-time high, but that's more of an opportunity than a red flag.
snack food brand Frito-Lay's (Frito's, Cheeto's, Lay's and Ruffles potato chips, Rold Gold pretzels) and even Quaker Oats are also part of the PepsiCo family, and account for a slight majority of ...
3) Frito Lay Baked Mix Variety Pack Frito Lay Baked ... Lay’s Baked Original Potato Crisps, Ruffles Baked Cheddar & Sour Cream Flavored Potato Crisps, and Cheetos Baked Crunchy Cheese Flavored ...
PepsiCo was founded in 1965 when the Pepsi-Cola CEO Don Kendall and Frito-Lay CEO Herman Lay decided to join forces. The company dishes out loveable snacks like Ruffles chips, Cheetos, and Gatorade.
In a statement, the Competition Authority (RK) said that Frito Lay Gıda, which offers popular snack brands such as Doritos, Ruffles, Cheetos and Çerezza violated the competition law by preventing its ...