As for the space, the dining room is chic—well-lit with tables and chairs lining the walls and circular booths in the center.
Hundreds of people filled the Pacific Christian Center in Santa Maria Monday morning to honor local legend Jim Glines, who died recently on Feb. 27.
Tri-tip is a cut of beef you occasionally see as a special on Texas barbecue joint menus. But it's big in California.
California might be an expensive state, but there are tons of under-the-radar destinations that might fit your budget, and we ...
Dinners cost $60 and will be available for drive-thru pickup on Friday, March 21 – The Georgia Brown Dad’s Club will hold a ...
James Denny Glines James "Jim" Denny Glines was born in San Antonio, Texas, on Oct. 31, 1942. He passed away peacefully at ...