My research aims to understand how the different types of impacts from a volcanic eruption can change nearby vegetation and how this change can be detected through satellite data. It also aims to look ...
Analysing the interactions between large-scale modes of variability (e.g. the Madden-Julian Oscillation, El Niño Southern Oscillation), the diurnal cycle and synoptic-scale processes using global and ...
Hello! My name is Andrea, and I am from Mexico. I finished a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and a master’s degree in Chemical and Biological Sciences at the University of Juarez City, Chihuahua. In ...
The will to explore how things run worldwide and how climate is affecting different environments led me to start a global adventure that took me from a small Italian institute to Kasetsart, the first ...
The second area relates to in-vehicle displays and the way different users interact with them, both in manual and autonomous driving. This includes the modality of the information provided, its ...
Thesis title: Assessing the health hazards of chronic exposures to volcanic air pollution on Montserrat, Eastern Caribbean ...
I grew up in Helensburgh, a town to the west of Glasgow, then spent 4 years in St Andrews studying an undergraduate degree in Geography. Here I developed research interests in cities, inequality, and ...
I graduated with a degree in Physics from the University of Oxford in 2022, and my final year project was in modelling the band structure of iron-based superconductors, and developing a tool to aid in ...
I am a 2nd-year PhD student at the Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science (ICAS) working on the improvement of climate predictions for Europe in a Met Office CASE-funded project. My PhD project ...
The project aims to assess the impact of invasive species on Cultural Ecosystem Services using the Falkland Islands as a Case Study. The project will look at the underlying drivers of the placement of ...
Xitong is on the integrated MSc and PhD programme, run by the Leeds Institute of Data Analytics (LIDA) and the School of Geography. Prior to this programme, Xitong completed an MSc in Psychological ...
I joined the University of Leeds as an undergraduate in 2019, studying BSc Business Economics. This sparked my passion for behavioural economics and I decided to continue my studies at Leeds onto ...