Twenty years ago, the Huygens probe achieved humanity's first landing on a moon in the outer solar system when it touched down on Titan.
NASA’s Cassini mission provided the world with unparalleled views of Saturn and its rings. After 13 years, its final images stunned us all. Explore the breathtaking legacy of this groundbreaking mission!
Both Venus and Saturn will be in the Aquarius constellation, the water bearer, during their close approach. To help spot it, viewers should look towards the south in the evening sky, using the bright star Fomalhaut in the nearby Piscis Austrinus constellation as a guide to locate Aquarius.
On Jan. 4, Saturn briefly hid behind the crescent moon, escaping the view of skywatchers in Europe, Africa, western Russia and eastern Greenland in an event known as a lunar occultation. Astronomer Gianluca Masi shared a composite photo taken during the event using the Virtual Telescope Project in Manciano, Italy.
Venus is the planet of love, beauty and pleasure — it governs everything from our finances and relationship dynamics to our values and desires. In Pisces, the love planet immerses itself in the ideal fantasy, encouraging us to dream big when it comes to our desires. This, however, could be our detriment if we lose sight of reality.
A famous illustration of Saturn's moon Titan got it all wrong. Never mind -- what we imagine space to be, and what we know it is, can both evoke the sublime.
As Venus and Saturn meet in Pisces' sign, there's a focus on their life path. Relationships must bring out the best in them to get the stamp of approval from authoritative Saturn. If a connection doesn't challenge Pisces to grow in its emotional intelligence, intuition, and overall self-development, its flaws will undoubtedly become apparent.
To kick off the beginning of the weekend, catch Venus and Saturn meeting as a conjunction on the night of Jan. 17. A telescope is not required to view this astronomy event.
The decisions that Trump makes over the next couple of months will have a major impact on the trajectory of global events.
Kansans peering up at the night sky this month may have a chance of spotting several planets at once. Brenda Culbertson, a solar system ambassador with the National
Mars will be making its closest approach to Earth in two years, and thus, the mighty red planet, named for the god of war himself, will appear brighter, bigger, and bolder in the night sky. This Martian exclamation point will further amplify the experience of the alignment.