HERE is a round-up of recent cases heard at Brighton Magistrates’ Court.
The following cases were heard at Reading Magistrates’ Courts. GERARD LAWRENCE, 22, of 20 Beech Lane Earley, Reading, Wokingham, pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled Class A drugs, namely ...
A Blackburn landlord of more than 50 homes has been convicted again for fly tipping after failing to turn up at court.
These are the latest cases involving people from the Wakefield district to be heard at Leeds Magistrates’ Court.
A Bristol City fan involved when trouble broke out in Cardiff city centre got caught because officers recognised his ...
Bristol City fan Mackenzie Bailey thought he had got away with lobbing a can at an O'Neill's pub in Cardiff city centre ...
The magistrates heard from prosecutor Sukhy Basi, who said the Crown Prosecution Service had refused to drop the case against ...
Preston North End manager Paul Heckingbottom says Milutin Osmajic has spoken to the FA regarding the racism allegations made ...
A teenager has admitted climbing on the roof of a Team Valley factory, sparking a five hour stand-off with police.
The Indian government has sought permission to appeal against the discharge of Sanjay Bhandari, a defence consultant, from ...
A solicitor claims the legal system is "harming" children whose parents are splitting up due to the length of time it is ...