Meta on Thursday said it had laid off 20 workers for leaking information to the media, as the social media giant faces pressure over the recent political shift of its boss Mark Zuckerberg towards ...
It was the Gilded Age, a time of rapid population growth and transformation from an agricultural economy toward a sprawling ...
Mark Zuckerberg has largely shed his iconic hoodies and flip-flops for trendier clothes. But as the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure. A relic from Zuckerberg's early Facebook ...
The round of firings came following a recent series of reports based on Zuckerberg's meetings with employees. In one meeting, first reported by The Verge, Zuckerberg told employees he would no ...
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and X owner Elon Musk were once rivals who exchanged jibes online and challenged each other to a cage fight. However, since Donald Trump’s return to the White House ...