A daredevil known as the "Human Cannonball" got hurt trying to pull off a stunt during the Riverside County Fair.
Chachi "Rocketman" Valencia is speaking out after he was injured in a stunt at the Riverside County Fair. After the injury, ...
Chachi “The Rocketman” Valencia was injured during a performance at the Riverside County Fair & National Date Festival.
Chachi 'The Rocketman' Valencia has been launching himself from a cannon for two decades. But this time, something went wrong ...
The performer known as Rocketman Valencia was injured during his Sunday performance. He was expected to be released from a ...
Chachi “The Rocketman” Valencia was injured during a performance at the Riverside County Fair & National Date Festival.
RIVERSIDE, Calif. - A daredevil known as the "Human Cannonball" was injured during an event at the Riverside County Fair.
Chachi “The Rocketman” Valencia was injured during a performance at the Riverside County Fair & National Date Festival.
His job description is “human cannonball.” And for 23 years, that seemed to have been working out for Chachi “The Rocketman” Valencia. Even his wife, Robin Valencia, is in the human ...
A stuntman performing a human cannonball trick was injured after he fell out of a net at the Riverside County Fair & National Date Festival in Indio on Sunday. Chachi “The ...
Daredevil Chachi "The Rocketman" Valencia was injured when strong winds knocked him off course during a cannon stunt at the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival.