The Council on Aging of Central Oregon is starting the year strong with $56,000 in new grant funding to bolster its senior nutrition programs, including Meals on Wheels and Community Dining. These ...
Debbie Trivedi and LeeAnn Williams have been volunteering with the organization for a combined total of 90 years.
Gil Wilkinson celebrated a decade of service as Livingston Meals on Wheels' head chef on . "My grandmother came here to eat ...
Senior Citizens, Incorporated just received a $10,000 grant to help continue to feed the elderly in our community. The Older Americans Act, passed in 1965, is a crucial ...
The Ramona Senior Center at 434 Aqua Lane is open for in-person dining from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Seniors First President and CEO Marsha Lorenz says there’s always a need for more volunteers and donors to meet the growing demand for senior services in our area.
A program providing Cape Cod's seniors with low-cost meals and social interaction has ceased operations in Mashpee as of this week, largely in part due to budget deficits that jeopardized ...
South Texas Blood & Tissue is collaborating with Meals on Wheels in March to support the senior community by providing ...
It was announced last week that Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands will be reducing the council on aging’s social lunch ...
The Clearfield County Commissioners declared the month of March as “Meals on Wheels Month” during their recent meeting.
While food banks and delivery services look to solve the symptoms of food insecurity, Meraz said that poor nutrition is often ...
The Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Center is looking for volunteers to help support its community programs. The center in ...