Daniel Startin is palaeontologist and ichnologist working on early palaeozoic trace fossils and their relation to deep marine anoxia from the same period. Dan has a BSC in Palaeontology and a masters ...
Specifically, this study will investigate movements of the African bird, the red-billed quelea ( Quelea quelea ), which is a serious crop pest that damages staple cereal crops, such as wheat, rice and ...
Thesis title: Oppressive geographies: Placing Romani ethnic minorities in Hungary's hegemonic heritage landscape, 1890-1990 ...
An Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Transport and Logistic Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri where I lectured in Transport courses and participated in research.
Thesis title: An integrated framework of agent-based and activity-travel behaviour modelling. A case study from The Greater Jakarta, Indonesia.
Muti is a postgraduate researcher at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. He holds an MBA in Aviation Management from Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. He has been working ...
Thesis title: Individual mobility behaviour modelling by fusing proximity information in the context of virus transmission ...
Molly is currently investigating the crystallisation of lipids for the production of vegan/low carbon footprint chocolate under the supervision of Prof Michael Rappolt and Dr Elena Simone.
Xitong is on the integrated MSc and PhD programme, run by the Leeds Institute of Data Analytics (LIDA) and the School of Geography. Prior to this programme, Xitong completed an MSc in Psychological ...
Hello! My name is Andrea, and I am from Mexico. I finished a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and a master’s degree in Chemical and Biological Sciences at the University of Juarez City, Chihuahua. In ...
The will to explore how things run worldwide and how climate is affecting different environments led me to start a global adventure that took me from a small Italian institute to Kasetsart, the first ...
I graduated with a degree in Physics from the University of Oxford in 2022, and my final year project was in modelling the band structure of iron-based superconductors, and developing a tool to aid in ...